Welcome to the blog for Embroidered Originals, where I'll keep you up-to-date with all the goings on at our little cottage industry. You can also view our website and shop online at embroideredoriginals.co.uk Marion x

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Valentine's, the Sunday Post and Cullen Skink

I think I said here a couple of days ago that we were well stocked and feeling that there was nothing really pressing to do. A time for planning, designing, organising and other worthy things.
On Sunday there was a tiny feature about us in the Sunday Post - a Scottish Sunday paper with a worldwide distribution. They published a photo of one of our Valentine cards along with how to contact us  and the website address.
I forgot all about it until the phone rang at 8.15am and woke me from a deep sleep. A little old lady ( little old ladies always get up before the crack of dawn) wanting to order a Valentine card for her husband.
Oh yes, the Sunday Post feature, the penny dropped.
While Bob watched the tennis final ( poor Andy) I sat beside the phone and took call after call from people all over the country wanting this Valentine card. I heard from one man that he wanted to give it to his wife who left him six years ago, in the hope that she would come back to him. A lady who wanted a card for her husband who died two years ago, but she would put it by his grave. Another lady who wanted two to send to her grandchildren in Canada. And so it went on.
All day Sunday and into the evening. Then I checked the website - hoowee - 45 more orders - and not just for Valentine cards. People who had never seen the site before and were buying all sorts of things.
Today we had 40 more calls before we nipped out to do some business stuff - bank, post office etc - and home to a pile of phone messages.
Just crazy.
I checked the website a minute ago and the 52nd web order of the day arrived at 2 minutes to midnight.
The card in question was the I Love You Mair one. I think I put it on here a day or two ago.
Anyway, it seems to be a taste of home for ex-pats all over the place, and I'm pleased that people get enjoyment from it.
The message on the card might sound a bit like gobbledy gook to anyone who hasn't grown up in Scotland but the "translation" can be found here.
Sorry there are no photos tonight, but I haven't had the time.
What will tomorrow bring?


  1. Congratulations! What a lovely success story! May you have many 'mair' of them, hehe!! :D

  2. so very happy for you!!!! It is a lovely card and I am not at all surprised with your success. You are very talented ;-)



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